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Microsoft Flow provides various templates to achieve your goal and Twitter Sentiment analysis is one of them.
In this tutorial we will see how to do sentiment analysis using few clicks and see live graphical representation using Power BI live feed.
As in India currently, #Mebhichokidar has tag is very viral. So,we are using this hashtag to cross check how it is going.
Prerequisites :
There are 3 basic prerequisites to complete this task
1) You should have Microsoft flow account if you don’t have that then you can create via link https://flow.microsoft.com
2) You should have Microsoft Power BI account if you don’t have then you can create via link https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/
3) You should have Microsoft Azure Portal account for cognitive services if you don’t have then don’t worry you can create via link https://Portal.azure.com
Once, you have all the 3 accounts available then proceed step by step as suggest below
Step 1:- Just open the Microsoft flow and select the template “Run Sentiment Analysis on tweets and push Result to a Power BI dataset” as shown in below figure.

Step 2: When you select the option you will find below screen as shown in below

Step 3:- We have to configure 3 connection as expected text analytics connection (Azure cognitive service) , Power BI (live dashboard) connection and last but not the least Twitter connection.
Here, As I am using an office 365 common account so my power BI already authenticated using that.

Step 4:- Now,let me connect with My twitter account first. Which can be done by clicking Sign In. In this you need to authorize the flow to access your twitter account.

Step 5: In the next step you have to define text analysis connection for which you have to first login into Azure and search for cognitive service. If not exists then create by clicking Add button

When you click add button you will find below link as you can see. Search Text Analytics and select the option highlighted as below

Provide proper Resource Name and select pricing tier as per your convenient. I am choosing free tier for this example.

Step 6: Once you created the account. You need to copy the Key from Get your Keys option . and copy the Web API option from 2b as shown in below.

Step 7: So, far so good , we have created cognitive service and now moving back to Microsoft Flow and Configure the Text analytics. Give any name in connection name and provide Account key which we copied earlier and also copy the Web API.

Step 8: Now, we are done with the connection next step is configure the steps. So, when a new tweet is posted we will provide that tweet to our Cognitive service using detect sentiment which will provide sentiment score. The sentiment score will be given to Power BI.

Step 9: Now, click on twitter option here you can add multiple text option. For example you can see in below search text we have added NarendraModi, Chokidar or MaybheeChokidar
Step 11:- Now, delete Detect Sentiment action and add again by searching the sentiment

Step 12: Here we will configure the sentiment option as you can see. We are giving Tweet Text and Language (we are selecting English Language)

Step 13:- Now, in the next step we will configure the Power BI. For which we will login http://app.powerBi.com and click on Streaming Dataset option because we are going to providing .

Step 14: Now, click on API as shown in below image.

Step 15: Now, define the dataset as shown. below here we are defining the fields. So, in the fields we are adding SentimentScore (which will given by cognitive service) , TwitterDate (when tweet posted), username (who posted the tweet), tweetText (What is the tweet)

Once, you define the dataset click on Create.
Step 16: Now, save the Report and configure the report as per your need.

Step 17: Here now configure, Power BI dashboard and remove the payload. as shown in below figure.

Step 18: See the below configuration which configured.

Here if you see, we defined workplace which we have created and dataset defined just above and mapped the fields.

Step 19: Now, Save the flow and configuration and try to run it. If everything works perfectly. You will get all the checkbox.

Step 20: Now, you can see the Power BI dashboard you will get the graph updating per minute with the new tweet text whenever a post with specific tag.
Below you can find sentiment score graph.

In Next post I will share the detail of this sentiment analysis data.
Hope you might like this easy way of sentiment analysis.
Happy learning.