Kill–use this weapon carefully in SQL SERVER . TIP #90

When we heard “Kill” then first impression of this word is very bad. We always scare with this word. In real world we never want this action  from anyone but in SQL Server case it is very helpful and help us many times. This feature we can use but very carefully. It is something like …

Secure your password with HashBytes TIP #89

Dear Friends, In my last article (TIP 87) I wrote about PWDENCRYPT.  I forgot to write few details but thanks to all my talented friends & blog readers who guided me by providing there feedback on post. I respect their inputs and always interested to get more inputs. Thanks to all of you. Now I …

PWDCOMPARE–a hidden function of SQL SERVER TIP #88

  I the last tip TIP#88 we saw how to encrypt a password. Now in this tip I would like to share how to check encrypted password ? Means once you stored your encrypted password in database now next step is to compare that particular password with your input password and return results accordingly. The …

How to Encrypt password in SQL Server ? TIP #87

Security is always a concern for every database developer. How to secure valuable information is one of the major and important aspect. The first approach toward security to have a strong username & password and the next step is to have password in encrypted form. Now this article will help you to encrypt your password …

How easy to determine table dependencies ? TIP # 86

  Determine the table dependencies is challenging sometime but we can easily resolve this by using a simple stored procedure which  SQL Server provides. By using this stored procedure we can easily determine all the dependencies of particular table. The stored procedure is sp_msdependencies We can use this stored procedure as shown below Execute sp_msdependencies …

“sp_helptext“ – Useful command to view detail TIP #85

  It might be already known to you but I thought for sharing because I frequently use this command and it is very useful command. When someone wants to determine detail of a function or stored procedure he/she can use this useful command. The syntax is very simple. Just write sp_helptext Storedprocedure/ functionname For example …

How to configure memory in SQL SERVER ? TIP#83

  One of the good sentence I remember “When someone has teeth he/she is not having nuts and when someone has nuts he/she not having teeth”. Just joke a part. You understand what I mean to say here. If you have the resources then utilize it. One of the most most important aspect in performance …

How to Enable / Disable Xp_cmdShell in SQL SERVER? TIP #82

Friends, Sometimes it might be possible that you have to run dos command from SQL SERVER. In such situation you have to enable the xp_cmdShell option of  sql configuration. To enable this we can write following statement EXEC sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1;GORECONFIGURE;GOEXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 1;GORECONFIGURE;GO Just wanted to share that it can be a …

Contained Database–A new feature in SQL SERVER 2012 TIP #81

While working on a project sometimes it happened that we need to shift the database from one server to another due to various reason (sometimes it is only money ). We are aware that this easy step take backup and restore another machine but glitch is what about the users which have access to the …