Machine learning is not new in the market but nowadays it is a buzz word everywhere. You might realize that there are lots of things happening in the Machine Learning.
Many big companies like Microsoft, Oracle, IBM,SAP and many other working in this area. They have provided Azure Machine Learning,Oracle Advanced Analytics, IBM SPS, SAP Predictive Analysis tools to work on it.
Before jumping into Azure Machine Learning directly let’s first understand basic of Machine Learning what exactly it is.
So, Machine learning is a way to understand the data pattern , recognize it and predict accordingly for future. It helps in
1) Data Mining
2) Language Processing
3) Image recognition
and many other Artificial Intelligence related stuff.
I know above statement is bit bookish so, let me explain in Indiandotnet style .
Let’s say you are a teacher in a school and you have quite experience in teaching. In each year you teach many students you also keep previous years data and some sort of basic detail of students.
When parent’s come to meet and wants to know the progress and whether he/she will pass in graduation or not. You simply do data analysis in your mind whether that student doing study or not (obvious), what his/her percentage in the last couple of exam or internal assessment , how he/she performed in previous class etc., then you give your prediction to the parents that their child does good or bad in the final exam or not.
Now, suppose instead of you there is a computer and parents asking the same question to the computer Now, a computer should provide the same answer as you give accurately or might be better.
For this, we need to feed enough data sample in the computer. If he has previous data samples by which he can analysis and predict accurately.
This overall exercise of processing data is part of Machine learning.
So, firstly you have to train the computer with providing the initial data which we can say training data. This is an iterative process.
Although, Machine learning Is more than this. Here, we are showing some more example where machine learning can help
1) Detecting fraud credit card
2) Determine SPAM emails
3) Provide customer like to switch to competitor
4) Free text when typing etc. many more examples of machine learning.
There is 2 distinction in machine learning
1) Supervised Machine Learning :-
The Supervised learning means the value you want to predict is already exist in training data. Means the data already exist in the computer so data is labeled. The accuracy is high in such case.
2) Unsupervised machine Learning :-
So It is just opposite to Supervised Machine Learning. In this the predictive data not present in training data.
I hope now we have a basic understanding of Machine Learning. In next post, I will share step by step example of Azure machine learning.