Monthly Archives: August 2014

Easy way to find result set of a stored procedure without running it- TIP #32

  Sometimes , We need to know what is the structure of stored procedure ? , How many columns will be return ? So to determine this we have easy stored procedure provided by SQL Server which is sp_describe_First_Result_Set. Below is the template to run it. You can provide your stored procedure name as variable …

Performance tips :- Different reports to analyze your SQL Server who is making it slow. TIP#31

Dear Friends, One of the really important part of any database is performance. Everyone complaining your system is slow , your database performance is slow but why it is slow ? Most of the time we are not aware what is the source?  Which SQL statement creating problem? Lets understand this thing why our SQL …

PARSENAME function TIP#29

As the name suggested PARSENAME is the SQL Server function which provide help in parsing. Lets understand this by an example Suppose , I have an IPAddress variable which I need to parse DECLARE @IPAddress AS VARCHAR(100)SET @IPAddress=’412.312.800.713′ SELECT PARSENAME (@IPAddress,1) The syntax of the parsename is simple PARSENAME(String,stringPartIndex) Only few things which  I have …