How to hide my SQL Server instance in network ? TIP #99

  In TIP #70  we saw how to find all the running SQL SERVER instance in a network or a machine. to revise see below image. This tip is just opposite to tip #70 you don’t want that your co-worker see your SQL Server instance running on your machine machine. (There are several reason behind …

I am not able to access my SQL server instance on another computer tip #98

  On last Friday , one of my colleagues had some issue related to accessing of SQL Server instance of database server machine in the office through his machine. I think this is generalized problem and might be faced by many of us. So to begin with  default port of SQL SERVER is 1433 , …

How to send E-mail/E-mail with Attachments in SQL Server TIP #97

  In last post, TIP#96 We have configured Database E-mail. Now in this post we will see how to send mail in SQL SERVER. Sometimes we need to send mail for different requirements like 1) Notification mails like  data inserted /updated/deleted successfully 2)Send data reports like no of amount earned, failed transaction  etc. for this …

How to Configure E-mail in SQL Server Step by Step–TIP #96

  For different reason we need to send database report , data and other SQL Server database related stuff using E-mail . SQL  Server provides E-mail functionality using “Database Email” feature. We can setup any E-mail  in few simple steps. Let’s follow below steps Step 1:- Open “Management” option of object Explorer in SQL SERVER  …

How to resolve Space issue in SQL server 2005 TIP #93

Hello friends,Many times we face space issues with our database. To resolve this problem SQL Server 2005 provided one more solution which is VARDECIMAL feature. ** VARDECIMAL feature exist in SQL SERVER’s Developer & Enterprise edition. ** This feature is not available in SQL Server 2005’s Standard edition. I hope by the name it is …

Data Compression–A unique feature PART–II TIP #92

In last post TIP #91  we talked about  What is Data compression ? What are the  features ?  Now in this tip we will take implement the data compression with basic steps.So lets follow the steps1) Right click on the table on which you need to implement compression. You will get following menu just select …

Data Compression– a unique feature of SQL Server TIP #91

A part from performance many times we faced challenges related to space  of our database. Sometimes our database is actually taking huge space and sometimes it our mistake due to which it took space. It is worst condition when you are on a dedicated hosting or cloud hosting with limited space. In such case “Compression” …

Kill–use this weapon carefully in SQL SERVER . TIP #90

When we heard “Kill” then first impression of this word is very bad. We always scare with this word. In real world we never want this action  from anyone but in SQL Server case it is very helpful and help us many times. This feature we can use but very carefully. It is something like …