Monthly Archives: February 2015

PWDCOMPARE–a hidden function of SQL SERVER TIP #88

  I the last tip TIP#88 we saw how to encrypt a password. Now in this tip I would like to share how to check encrypted password ? Means once you stored your encrypted password in database now next step is to compare that particular password with your input password and return results accordingly. The …

How to Encrypt password in SQL Server ? TIP #87

Security is always a concern for every database developer. How to secure valuable information is one of the major and important aspect. The first approach toward security to have a strong username & password and the next step is to have password in encrypted form. Now this article will help you to encrypt your password …

How easy to determine table dependencies ? TIP # 86

  Determine the table dependencies is challenging sometime but we can easily resolve this by using a simple stored procedure which  SQL Server provides. By using this stored procedure we can easily determine all the dependencies of particular table. The stored procedure is sp_msdependencies We can use this stored procedure as shown below Execute sp_msdependencies …

“sp_helptext“ – Useful command to view detail TIP #85

  It might be already known to you but I thought for sharing because I frequently use this command and it is very useful command. When someone wants to determine detail of a function or stored procedure he/she can use this useful command. The syntax is very simple. Just write sp_helptext Storedprocedure/ functionname For example …

Easy way to diagnose SQL Server “sp_Who2” TIP #84

  Why the SQL Server is running slow ? What are the processes running currently on SQL SERVER instance ? Many other like the above which might help us to understand our current SQL Server instance health can be answered by a simple command “sp_who2”. “sp_Who2”  is an Undocumented command. You can utilize this command …

How to configure memory in SQL SERVER ? TIP#83

  One of the good sentence I remember “When someone has teeth he/she is not having nuts and when someone has nuts he/she not having teeth”. Just joke a part. You understand what I mean to say here. If you have the resources then utilize it. One of the most most important aspect in performance …

How to Enable / Disable Xp_cmdShell in SQL SERVER? TIP #82

Friends, Sometimes it might be possible that you have to run dos command from SQL SERVER. In such situation you have to enable the xp_cmdShell option of  sql configuration. To enable this we can write following statement EXEC sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1;GORECONFIGURE;GOEXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 1;GORECONFIGURE;GO Just wanted to share that it can be a …